Provision of Service Regulations 2009


The details of our Professional Indemnity insurance are shown below, to comply with the above

regulation. This is in respect only of our mandatory cover, which complies with the Professional

Indemnity Insurance Regulations of our professional body.

Name of participating insurer : Argo Syndicate 1200 @ Lloyd’s of London, ArgoGlobal SE,

Neon Syndicate 2468 @ Lloyd’s of London, AEGIS Syndicate

1225 @ Lloyd’s of London, Atrium Syndicate 609 @ Lloyd’s of London

Contact details of lead insurer :

Exchequer Court,

33 St Mary’s Axe,

London, EC3A 8AA,

United Kingdom

Period of insurance : 01 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 (both dates inclusive)

Territorial coverage : Worldwide excluding professional business carried out from an office in the US, US Virgin Islands and Canada and excludes any action for a claim brought in any court in the US, US Virgin Islands and Canada

Dated: 02 March 2018


Phone:  01407 811120


Parry & Co, Ynyshir, Sandy Lane, Rhosneigr, Anglesey, LL64 5XA